By train and bus
As a hotel guest in Lucerne, you can use all buses and trains within zone 10 of the city network free of charge, including the bus lines to Beau Séjour. At the main station, go to bus platform B and take either bus line 6 towards "Büttenenhalde" or line 8 towards "Würzenbach". After a few minutes you get off at the bus stop "Europe", cross the street and your destination is where you see the pink dot.
By car
Your address for the navigation system is: Haldenstrasse 53, 6006 Luzern.
Beau Séjour's parking spaces
To unload your luggage, you can park opposite the Hotel Beau Séjour in the yellow parking lot. If you have reserved one of our five parking spaces in advance for CHF 20/day, our reception staff will be happy to explain how to find your parking space.
The Kreuzbuchstrasse parking lot
If our five hotel parking spaces are occupied, you can use the parking lot on Kreuzbuchstrasse. It is located about 400 meters from Beau Séjour and is free of charge daily from 6pm to 8am.
We can issue you a 24-hour parking permit for CHF 15 for these parking spaces. Please contact us by telephone to obtain this permit. You can book a maximum of 3 days at a time. With a blue parking permit, you can park for up to 3 hours at a time free of charge.
On Kreuzbuchstrasse, heading out of town
If you are coming from the center of Lucerne, make sure you turn left at the traffic light in the photo. You will find the parking lot on your right.
On Kreuzbuchstrasse, heading into town
If you are driving into the city centre, be sure to pass under the railroad tracks at Verkehrshaus Luzern and drive along Kreuzbuchstrasse to the parking lot. You cannot turn right at the railroad crossing on Haldenstrasse!